Showing posts with label three things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label three things. Show all posts

21 February 2012

Weird Dreams

I often have pretty strange dreams (like these!) and these would have to be some of the weirdest:

I'm not sure what I was doing in outer space, and I'm really not sure why my grandma was with me, but something went terribly wrong and we were somehow ejected from the space craft. And then we exploded (as you do!)

Probably the most disturbing dream I've had, I discovered that my palm was hollow and full of cobwebs since there were spiders living inside. I'm not usually bothered my spiders but in this case I definitely was!

In a recent dream I found out that the world was about to end. The thing I was most worried about? That I was going to lose my blog since it was only backed up on earth. I think that this month of daily blogging is starting to mess with my head...

02 February 2012

Childhood Memories

Some of the things I remember about my childhood that make me laugh now:

When I was little (probably about three years old) I went to the bank with my dad. While he was lining up I was running around, and coming back to tackle him around the legs every now and then. At some point the line moved forward without me noticing. I ran back one more time and grabbed his legs, and then realised with horror that it wasn't my dad at all, and my arms were wrapped around a strangers knees. So I cried, and I was too scared to play around at the bank ever again.

While I was growing up my parents always emphasised the importance of good manners. I can remember my mother growling at me once when I was about four years old for being impolite. I decided that she didn't realise how polite I really was. My evidence? I explained to her that "the other day I saw a fat person and I didn't even say anything". She didn't find my argument very convincing!

I really wanted to watch Jaws 3 when I was six years old, but my parents weren't too keen to have a traumatised child on their hands. Mum promised that she'd tape the movie so I could watch it the next day, but she never promised she'd tape the whole movie. Instead she only recorded the first few minutes (until one of the little sharks dies), and told me that was it. I didn't find out about this incident until many years later and when I finally watched the full version of Jaws 3 I realised I hadn't missed anything (it's pretty terrible!). But I still think it's one of the reasons that I'm obsessed with great white sharks.

What are the funniest memories you have from your childhood?

10 June 2010

Wedding Nightmares

Judging by some of my recent dreams, my subconscious is really getting caught up in wedding planning. Luckily I find the results amusing rather than scary!

The day of the wedding was drawing to a close, and all of the important parts were over. Unfortunately I’d developed amnesia and couldn't remember any of it…

I hired someone to organise some dancing as entertainment, and it turned out to be an over the top extravaganza complete with chorus lines, acrobatics, fireworks and special effects. I realised that I’d never discussed budget and had just doubled the cost of the wedding.

I arrived at the ceremony to find that all the female guests had decided to ignore the guideline of not wearing white to a wedding. And they’d taken it a step further by wearing their own wedding dresses...

And about once a week I dream that we've completely forgotten to make ceremony arrangements with the celebrant, and have no idea what we’re going to say! I guess I should get in touch with her and start getting things sorted.