21 February 2012

Weird Dreams

I often have pretty strange dreams (like these!) and these would have to be some of the weirdest:

I'm not sure what I was doing in outer space, and I'm really not sure why my grandma was with me, but something went terribly wrong and we were somehow ejected from the space craft. And then we exploded (as you do!)

Probably the most disturbing dream I've had, I discovered that my palm was hollow and full of cobwebs since there were spiders living inside. I'm not usually bothered my spiders but in this case I definitely was!

In a recent dream I found out that the world was about to end. The thing I was most worried about? That I was going to lose my blog since it was only backed up on earth. I think that this month of daily blogging is starting to mess with my head...


  1. I'm always sort of annoyed with myself when I dream about blogging, or designing someone's blog. Seriously? Thats the best I could come up with?

    p.s. there is a little love for you over at my blog!

    1. Thanks so much! You're too kind :)
