26 May 2013

Turning 30

Because Owen and I have our birthdays ten days apart (he was born on the day I was due, but it will come as no surprise that I was late) we often have a combined birthday celebration. This year was a big number but we decided that a small party was just what we needed, so on a sunny weekend afternoon family and a few friends came round for cake and a catch up.

Leaving my twenties behind seems like it should be a big deal, but I haven't really given it any thought. In a birthday card my friend Jo gave me when I turned 20, she'd written:
"You are now into the decade where everything important happens. Scary huh?!"
And for me this was so true. It was the decade where I finished studying, got my first real job, travelled, bought a house, got married, and had a baby. I think it must be this last event that has really overshadowed the significance of turning 30 - becoming a mother has been much more of a change than turning one year older.

It also helps that my life at age 30 is pretty much how I imagined it would be. I feel like I'm on the right path so those what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life moments I had throughout my twenties have finally been left behind.

All this to say, I'm looking forward to my thirties!

16 May 2013

Dog Days

Our poor dog doesn't get as much attention as she used to so it's always nice when we get to take her on an adventure. It's even nicer when we meet up with friends and their dog, and the pups can have some fun together.

We've decided to make it a regular date!

02 April 2013