16 October 2009

Projects to Achieve Goals

I love finding new concepts for setting and achieving goals! Here are some different projects which can help to accomplish those goals that never seem to be a priority, or the ones you just need a little push to start.

101 in 1001
Michael from Triplux came up with the challenge to complete 101 tasks in 1001 days. There are hundreds of people around the world taking part (here’s my list)! One year just isn’t long enough to complete certain types of goals, so 1001 days (2.75 years) gives you a few seasons to achieve more long term ambitions. And 101 tasks means that it is certainly a challenge!

30 Day Trial
I first heard about the concept of the 30 Day Trial from Steve Pavlina. Instead of making a commitment to change your behaviour or adopt a new routine forever, which obviously can be very intimidating, decide to follow your goal for only 30 days instead.

By the end of 30 days you should have developed a habit, which is then easier to continue if that’s what you decide to do. Or you might have realised that what had seemed like a great goal at the time is actually not!

52 Resolutions
If you find that setting really long term goals just doesn’t work, then maybe making goals for each week would be a better plan. Andrea from A Cat of Impossible Colour came up with the idea of making 52 small resolutions and writing one on each card from a pack of standard playing cards. Every week just pick a card (without looking!) and complete the goal. At the end of the pack one very productive year will have passed!

How to Set Goals You Will Actually Achieve by Steve Pavlina
The Art of Doing at Yes and Yes
A Simple Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Life Goals at Zen Habits
How to Achieve Anything at Think Simple Now
Making Your Dreams Come True: A Sure Fire Strategy at Charade


  1. I haven’t heard of 52 Resolutions! Maybe when I finish my 101 list…

  2. That’s exactly what I’m thinking of doing! Of course I’m tempted to start 52 Resolutions while still in the middle of 101 in 1001 but I have to pace myself!
