07 June 2013

The Two of Us

Here are some of the things we get up to during the day when it's just the two of us:

Not pictured: napping, lots of feeding, and both of us having to change clothes after a diaper malfunction!

30 May 2013

Highlights of My Twenties

Now that I've left my twenties behind I thought I'd have a look back at the last decade and some of the highlights:

26 May 2013

Turning 30

Because Owen and I have our birthdays ten days apart (he was born on the day I was due, but it will come as no surprise that I was late) we often have a combined birthday celebration. This year was a big number but we decided that a small party was just what we needed, so on a sunny weekend afternoon family and a few friends came round for cake and a catch up.

Leaving my twenties behind seems like it should be a big deal, but I haven't really given it any thought. In a birthday card my friend Jo gave me when I turned 20, she'd written:
"You are now into the decade where everything important happens. Scary huh?!"
And for me this was so true. It was the decade where I finished studying, got my first real job, travelled, bought a house, got married, and had a baby. I think it must be this last event that has really overshadowed the significance of turning 30 - becoming a mother has been much more of a change than turning one year older.

It also helps that my life at age 30 is pretty much how I imagined it would be. I feel like I'm on the right path so those what-am-I-going-to-do-with-my-life moments I had throughout my twenties have finally been left behind.

All this to say, I'm looking forward to my thirties!